Pokemon super mystery dungeon rom dfix
Pokemon super mystery dungeon rom dfix

pokemon super mystery dungeon rom dfix

Although the Society is unable to prevent Entei from being turned to stone, they find evidence that implies that Krookodile, a local thug, is the culprit.

pokemon super mystery dungeon rom dfix

The Society initially assumes Entei is involved after Latios and Latias are found turned to stone, but when the player and partner inexplicably evolve to their final forms and defeat him, they realize he was only investigating the current events.Ī few days later, the entity confronts Entei. After a few days of work, Archen invites them to a trip to the Air Continent, where they discover that a malicious entity has been turning Pokémon to stone. Upon arriving, Ampharos inducts them into the Expedition Society and introduces them to the other members: explorers Archen, Bunnelby, Buizel, archaeologist Mawile, astronomer Jirachi, communications officer Dedenne, and cook Swirlix. However, the Beheeyem are spotted outside the village, forcing the player and partner to flee to Lively Town, the site of the Expedition Society headquarters. After saving Pancham and Shelmet from a group of Litwick who came to town to feed on their fears, Nuzleaf informs the pair that he wants them to join him to explore Revelation Mountain, a local mountain range the town has guarded for years with no reason why. They eventually meet Ampharos, a member of the Expedition Society who gives them a Connection Orb and names them junior Expedition Society members. That night, the partner sympathizes with the player's outsider status and gives them one of the Harmony Scarves he has as a sign of friendship. Recalling a conversation they had with the partner's father about a special honey that Budew overheard, the player and partner rush to a nearby meadow and save her, winning the respect of their classmates and the town. The next day, Nuzleaf's neighbor, Roselia, arrives at the school looking for her daughter Budew, who's disappeared without any real explanation. Not wanting to hide the truth, the player reveals what they remember, but Pancham gets everyone (except the partner and the school principal) to think they're a pathological liar looking for attention. Several days later, the other kids ask the player where they're from, having ascertained that they can't feasibly be Nuzleaf's kid. Taking advantage of the player not knowing the area, school bullies Pancham and Shelmet trick the player (and the partner, to their chagrin) to enter a mine owned by a Gabite, but the local Drilbur defuse the situation before it gets out of control. There, they meet their partner, who dreams of joining the Expedition Society but has become the town pariah due to his overeager nature. When they are suddenly attacked by a group of Beheeyem, a friendly Nuzleaf helps them escape, gives them shelter in Serene Village, and enrolls them in a school for young Pokémon. The player wakes up transformed into a Pokémon and only remembering that they used to be a human. ( February 2020) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources.

Pokemon super mystery dungeon rom dfix